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You've Got Mail

Snail mail, that is. Despite our addiction to email we are still required to have a good ole USPS mailbox. Checking the mail on a daily basis used to be a highlight of the day. Dare I say, exciting? Maybe your Scott Baio fan club packet, your college acceptance letter or the prize you finally got from mailing in enough proof of purchases from boxes of Frosted Flakes? These days it seems to be junk, junk and more junk. Occasionally you get a hand written thank you note or your birthday card arrives with a crisp $20 bill from Great Aunt Ethel.

Take a look at your mailbox the next time you check the daily mail. Good chance it is rusty, the red flag has broken off, the door doesn't stay closed or it has meet its match with a snow plow. Does your mailbox look like any of these?

Yup, there is a big range of what you can spend on a new mailbox and post ranging from $60 at Lowe's to $600+ at Walpole Woodworkers. My advice is to take a look at your budget and what you want to represent your home. After all, it is the first thing people see when they drive in your driveway or ring your doorbell. Consider it as part of the curb appeal, literally.

Let it represent! Have your mailbox match your style. The number style alone can say so much about you. Perhaps you are feeling like red, green or bronze is your vibe, but if you do veer from the classic black make sure the color you choose goes your house exterior.

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