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Walking the Red Carpet
It's Oscar week! Watch the who's who of Hollywood walk the red carpet. Best dressed. Worst dressed. The hair. The jewels. Will Jimmy...

Go For Gold
I am just in awe at the recent USA gold medals won at the 2018 Winter Olympics this week. The US men and women are dominating the...

Our House Or Yours?
I remember a bonus question on a quiz in Mr. D. O'Neil's 5th grade social studies class. The D is important because there was also Mr....

A Slave to Stainless Steel
I am constantly wiping finger-prints and drips off of my stainless steel appliances. I know they are the in fashion, but they are a real...

Letting Go
Letting go can be hard. Including that two of my kids are back at college and the youngest, who is in HS, is never home and when he is...

AC/DC, Done Dirt Cheap
Oh, yes! Belt it out! Bang your head! "Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap." Ahem...what I really mean is AC/DC, your electrical...

Exit Strategy
Are you thinking of downsizing in the next 3-5 years? If you are, it is not too soon to come up with your exit strategy, and the old...

Making It 101
You either make it, or you don't. If you don't, there's still hope for you. I have converted my husband into a bedmaker, but my boys...

Light Up Your Life
Do you live in a home without overhead lights? It wasn't until we built our house in 2005 that I realized why so many homes are built...

Ready for Red
As many of us get ready to start decorating our homes for the holiday season, I encourage you to think of the traditional holiday red in...
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